Black Population Facts, Data, and Statistics

The Black Population

The website and Youtube channel provide “bite-sized” facts about the black population in the United States, and around the world. We’ll use facts, data, and statistics to fill in the gaps in a world of social media created images and news media driven perceptions.

Black Population Facts, Data, and Statistics at

Census data shows that the black population in the United States is growing. With 46.8 million people self-identifying their race as black or mixed in 2019, there is an increase of 12.6 million black people since 2000 when there were 36.2 million that did so. There is also an increase in percentage of the U.S. population of 1% going from 13% in 2000 to 14% in 2019.


The Image of the Black Population

When you think about it, there are actually many different pieces of the image of black people. In reality, this is true both in America and also around the world. Tiny pieces are like shards of a mirror. Ultimately, they come together to form the broader image of the black population. These pieces of the black image consist of whose looking at black people. What do white people see when they look at black people? How about the images that asian people see? How about people who are considered “others”? And, most importantly, what do black people see when we look at ourselves?

Social Media

Social Media IconsNowadays, a huge portion of the images of black people that people see come from social media. Unfortunately, much of that image shown is not in line with statistical data. Even worse, those that are shown, almost always portray the negative statistics. Heavy consideration must be given to who generates social media images along with their intent. In addition, we have to consider the affect of the algorithms these platforms use to disseminate that information.

News Media

News Media LogosNews media, in general, include print media like newspapers, newsmagazines, radio, and television. Now, we have online forms of the same as well. They craft articles and video containing imagery of the African American community in droves. Additionally, they set much of the narrative of how blacks are viewed world wide. What is not regularly considered are the agendas behind these narratives. Even worse, we have to be mindful of the affect of mass media. Mass media leverages an array of technologies that reaches large audiences with a highly focused message.

Information About the Black Population

Typically, the information that people receive is not in a raw state. This can be both good and bad. On one hand, it’s good in the sense that it is transformed into something easily understood. On the other hand, it can be bad depending on the intent of the messenger. Basically, it is all derived from facts, data, and statistics. And, how we use that information is what is most important.


Simply put, facts are those things that actually exist, or are rooted in reality, or based in truth. Nowadays, it seems that facts are being considered to be more subjective rather than objective. We need more balanced sources of the facts. Popular sources of information are becoming overrun with feelings and opinion. Here, we’ll focus on the facts first and strive to put and keep them in context. This site deals primarily with facts about the black population.


Essentially, data refers to facts and statistics that have been collected together for reference or analysis. We get datasets from various sources in order to create charts, graphs, and tables that reveal trends and specific comparisons. Our philosophy involves using information known or assumed as facts for making the basis of reasoning or calculation. aims to rely on clean data in multiple categories to produce a comprehensive mix of content.


At its core, Statistics is the discipline that focuses on the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. When dealing with black demographic or socio-economic issues, it makes sense to begin with statistical population or statistical models. Here, the goal is to take a balanced approach with the focus on revealing information. We want to avoid giving slanted or blatantly opinionated perspectives. Unfortunately, the danger with statistics is that they’re quite an affective tool for spreading lies and propaganda. To learn more about that, you might want to read the book by Darrell Huff called “How to Lie with Statistics” in 1954.

Black Family Together

Interestingly enough, the website is not just for black people. It’s about understanding, anyone can benefit from that. In short, the content on this site is beneficial for everyone; black people and non-black people.


The website was created to provide a couple of different things. First, a simple service (access to “bite-sized” facts about the black population). And, second, to provide context and insights into the published facts, data, and statistic about the black population. This includes both the United States and the rest of the world. In a world of social media created images and news media driven perceptions, we’ve seen a need. That need is for facts, data, and statistics delivered in a way that is consumable with comparable ease. The overall purpose of this site is for “insight” and “education”.

Black People

Like all people, we (as black people) form our self-image through interaction with others. We look at how they react to us as well as the ways in which they categorize us. This is extrospection and forms part of how we see ourselves. The other part, comes (or should come) via introspection. That involves looking inwards to our thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Essentially, we judge ourselves based on what we think and feel. As a result, black people can benefit from better insights into the facts, data, and statistics regarding our people. 

Non-Black People

Other non-black people judge black people based on what they see. The way they respond to and categorize black people is, in part, influenced by their own distorted views of the world. Add in the images they see on social and mass media and you get a highly distorted view of black people.  As a result, non-black people can benefit from better insights into the facts, data, and statistics about black people. 

The Creator

Dr. Sherman Rivers SrThis site was created and is maintained by Dr. Sherman Rivers. He is a veteran of the United States Army with over two decades of experience in Corporate America. Upon leaving the corporate world, Dr.Rivers became self employed. He earns his living as a financial services professional, speaker, coach, and content creator.

Along the way, he earned a Masters of Business Administration Degree from Capella University. Later, he earned a non-secular Doctorate of Philosophy Degree in Metaphysical Science from the Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Science. Naturally, he looks at the world from both a business/financial and a metaphysical perspective. Because of that, he realized that there is a need for more information driven insights regarding black people.

Basically, he has three core beliefs in regards to black people. Firstly, believes that we should be seeking to understand and shape the images of black people on social media. Secondly, he believes that black people should combat the perceptions of black people driven by the news media. Thirdly, he believes there is a huge need for more facts, data, and statistics. Most importantly, his goal involves delivering these things, in a way that is easy to consume.

Information about Black People


Overall, the goal of and the Black Statistics Youtube channel is to provide informative and actionable content. Informative content answers questions, even some of those that you hadn’t yet thought to ask. Ultimately, that can be done by using credible sources with the information needed to answer those questions. Of course, we’ll aim to deliver that information in an interesting way.

Website will work to excel in both form and function. It has a clear purpose. It will be visually pleasing and easy to navigate. It will perform well for a wide range of visitors. And, finally, it will remain technically stable and secure.


The main goal of the Black Statistics Youtube channel is to inform. Video content will take a unique perspective on the facts, data, and statistics that pertain to the black community. Even still, no one wants to spend their valuable time watching bad videos. With that in mind, we’ll focus on keeping it High-Quality, Well-Edited, and easy to understand. Maybe, we can have fun while we’re at it.