2019 West Virginia Abortion Percentages by Race
West Virginia Abortion West Virginia is the tenth-smallest state by area. In addition to that, less than 5% of the state population is black. With...
Mississippi Black Pregnancies and Abortions Explored
Mississippi Mississippi, a state with a complex socio-demographic landscape, presents striking statistics when it comes to pregnancies and abortions, particularly among its Black population. This...
2019 Alabama Abortion Percentages by Race
Alabama Abortion The Alabama abortion numbers give us a clear example of racial disparities in the number and percentages of abortion in the United States....
King Leopold II of Belgium Killed Millions in the Congo
In 1885, blacks in America had been officially free from slavery for around 22 years. Meanwhile, almost 8,000 miles away from the United States, the...
5 Reasons Africa Was Called the Dark Continent
The “dark continent” of Africa is rich with natural beauty. You’ve probably seen the myriad of famous images depicting everything from beautiful dark skinned African...
John Rogan | Son of a Slave and Tallest African American
John Rogan John Rogan was born on February 16, 1865 in Hendersonville, Tennessee. He was the son of a former slave. And, his story is...
Special Field Orders No. 15 (40 Acres and a Mule)
General Sherman’s Special Field Orders No. 15 are among the most important documents of the Civil War. Let’s take a look at how they came...
Bridget “Biddy” Mason | From Slave to Businesswoman
Bridget “Biddy” Mason The story of Bridget “Biddy” Mason is powerful, to say the least. It demonstrates what a person can achieve by taking advantage...
Who Was Allen Allensworth? | From Slave to Colonel
Slavery is an important part of American history. Basically, without it, this country would most likely not exist. At least, it would look nothing like...
Stealing Gold From Haiti – The 1914 U.S. Invasion
Did you know that the U.S. Government actually stole gold from Haiti? I was surprised when I first heard that. I mean, how does that...
What Does the Black American Flag Mean? It Depends on Which One!
For some people, flags are simply pieces of fabric with distinctive designs and colors. For others, they think of a flag as a symbol or...
Who Was Jim Crow? | Thomas D Rice
If someone asked you “Who was Jim Crow”, what would you tell them? Interestingly, if you asked this question in public randomly, you’d get a...
7 Slave Codes that Still Affect African Americans Today
If you are like a lot of other people today, you may wonder how anything involving slavery can be still affecting African Americans today. I...
What States Have the Most Black People? 2021 Top Five
Have you ever wondered what state the most black people live in? If you’re like me, you get random bouts of curiosity about things like...
The Tax Code -9 Ways it Hurts Black People
Can the Tax Code Hurt Black People? So here is the obvious question, does the Tax Code hurt black people? Depending on who you ask,...
Interracial Marriage Statistics
Because of so many stereotypes, looking at interracial marriage numbers among black people is an eye opener. How Common is Black Interracial Marriage A common...
Black Marriage Statistics
View black marriage statistics provided by the US Census Bureau. Data shows that over the last few decades marriage has been a declining institution among...