Male and Female Average Sizes Compared to Each Other & Other Races
When we look around, we see the true diversity among people. Obviously, we come in many different shapes and sizes as well as skin tones....
The Average Black Man’s Weight in America
As you probably already know, America has been facing a steady increase in obesity over the years. That’s one of the reasons that I researched...
Average Black Male Height in America from 1999 to 2016
If you’re like most of us, you’ve been fed the stereotype of the tall athletic basketball playing black guy. He towers over men of other...
Generation X (Single and Black)Income and Education Statistics
Generation X Generation X is a term commonly used to refer to Americans born between 1965 and 1980. Depending on the source, that range may...
Interracial Marriage Statistics
Because of so many stereotypes, looking at interracial marriage numbers among black people is an eye opener. How Common is Black Interracial Marriage A common...
Black Marriage Statistics
View black marriage statistics provided by the US Census Bureau. Data shows that over the last few decades marriage has been a declining institution among...